Hollyvox G51: Clear Communication Success at E-sports China Ceremony

Communication challenges
The 2nd E-sports China Annual Ceremony was held in Wuhan, and it was a great success. Over 1,000 attendees were present in a 4,000-square-meter meeting room, and the event required clear communication among more than ten crew members, including the director, project manager, show caller, audio engineer, lighting engineer, stage manager, graphics operator, and technical director.

Hollyvox G51 solution
To ensure smooth communication among the team, the organizers chose the Hollyvox G51 wireless intercom system, which offered several benefits. The beltpacks were pre-paired at the factory and were ready to use right out of the box. In case any additional beltpacks needed to be added or changed during the event, users could easily connect them to the base station via USB-C cables, and they would be automatically paired and grouped.

The Hollyvox G51 is a full-duplex intercom system that enables simultaneous sending and receiving of data, providing a much better communication experience. It operates at 1.9GHz, which ensures minimal interference with other wireless audio devices on-site, unlike two-way radios, which may cause signal interference.

User feedback
” The sidetone function of Hollyvox G51 is a powerful addition. This feature helped us ensure that the mic was picking up our voice and also proved useful in adjusting the volume of his voice. Hollyvox G51 allows up to three talk groups to be set within a single system, it’s very helpful too” said the director of the ceremony.
